I have a few pet peeves in my life, as my freshman roommates could certainly attest to. One is un-rinsed dishes. Another is people mispelling others' names. (It's their NAME! Get it right!) And, I realized this week that a MAJOR pet peeve of mine is restroom goers who wash their hands with water. I've seen it more and more lately. It's one thing if it's a little kid doing it, but GROWN ADULTS?? Let's think this through: Anything you touch in a bathroom only adds more germs to your hands. So, 1) Touch faucet to turn on water 2) Rinse hands... for what? Oh yeah, this is the stone age where we think water rinses germs off of hands. 3) Touch paper towel dispener or air dryer to dry our now-infected-even-more-hands!
Let's review the steps of hand washing, shall we? [See Picture on Right]
I like these instructions because it tells you to turn the water off with a towel. I appreciate that.
I struggle to know how to approach this problem. Do I just continue to raise my eyebrows and look in disgust as women skip over the soap dispenser? Do I viciously throw hand sanitizer their way? Oh wait: Freshman year I posted a much-hated sign above the sink that said "Rinse ya'lls Dishes Please!" Maybe I could post a sign above every bathroom sink I frequent that says "Wash your hands with SOAP!" Ugh. I don't think any of those things would work. It is hopeless. May society smarten up and realize that water does not kill germs. Soap does. And if you run your hands under the faucet solely to keep up appearances, shame on you! Your tricks won't work with me. I see your filthy germ-infested hands!
I often wash my hands with just water. Don't disrespect me too much. If they aren't germ laden, why use soap which really dries out my skin.
ReplyDeleteBut in the bathroom they always will be germ laden... unless you wear rubber gloves. The door handle to the stall alone is just packed with them from EVERYONE touching it.
ReplyDeleteI have OCD and I get you on the hand washing thing... I only say that because I felt the need to write something relevant to the post....
ReplyDeleteMy real reason for commenting: I was going to follow your blog.... but you don't have a 'follow me' button..... :( Sad day. But you can follow me... if you want. :)