Thursday, February 11, 2010

3 White Girls with Hip Hop moves

So one of my new year's goals was to make time for exercise again.  I know, I'm one of about a billion people who made that resolution.  But I'm serious.  It was really bothering me and I was becoming unhappy because I need physical activity to keep my life in balance.  Thankfully, soon thereafter, my entire work place decided to pursue a similar goal.  We suddenly have a "Biggest Loser" contest going (which I am not a part of), and a running group, which plans on running the Komen Race for the Cure this year.  We are working out M-Th right after work at the 1/2 mile track near our office.  This has been great because I feel safer running at night with a group, and it's directly after work so I don't have the temptation of getting home and not going back out.  Well anyway, since it's been rainy and cold this week we have resorted to workout videos in the GED classroom after work.  The only workout videos I've ever used are for pilates and yoga, which suits me because any sort of aerobics type activity that involves moving to a rhythm is far too complicated for me. 
This is why hip hop abs was so fantastic.  I hope you can tell from the cover how great it really was.  Cheesy hairdos, cheesy ryhmes, and cheesy smiles.  My favorite part was when our IT guy, John,  joined us for the workout.  In his work clothes. 
The whole time I couldn't stop thinking of how great each move would be at the next Institute dance.  Bring on that hip hop music, I will blow everyone away with my newly learned hip hop moves that are always carried out awkwardly and off beat.  Maybe I'll even be like my boy Shaun T. here in the video and lift my shirt up a little bit and run my fingers over my almost-existant abs to explain how each move is contributing to my 6-pack.  I think that would really bring in the dates.  We're working out to the video again tonight. I'll let you know when I've learned to dance like Britney Spears and J-Lo. And when I have the body to prove it.

1 comment:

  1. Please say that movie is still on the market. I would love to see you rocking out to that. And keep up the good work!
